June in Baltimore: Rainbows and Remembrance

June 12, 2022 | Holidays
June in Baltimore: Rainbows and Remembrance

Plastered all over stores and restaurants, sports teams and company logos, rainbows take over the month of June. Every year, Pride Month is celebrated across America in support and honor of the LBGTQ+ community. It all started in Greenwich Village after the Stonewall Uprising in 1969. In a town with a high population of gay men of color and drag queens, the police invasion of a local gay bar was not taken lightly. The activism following this uprising sparked the annual celebration of gay rights during the month of June. 

Rainbows: Celebrating Pride in Baltimore

Baltimore is ready to celebrate pride! There are so many opportunities right near your home at Union Wharf to show your support and love for the LGBTQ+ community. Join events like Twilight on the Terrace, with the finest cocktails and performances under the stars, or the High Heel Race on 25th street! 

The main event, the Pride Parade, will be held on Saturday, June 25 on Charles St. at 1pm. Following the parade, there will be a block party on 47th St., featuring over 100 vendors, amazing DJ’s, amazing food, and live performances.

Pride welcomes all ages — the Youth Pride Party is on June 23 and Elder Pride at Druid Hill Park will take place on the 26th. Promote pride on social media, walk the parade, watch performances and enjoy the atmosphere — the opportunities during Pride Month are endless. 

Remembrance: Celebrating Freedom

Not only is June about Pride, but also about the remembrance of Juneteenth.

On June 19, 1865, all remaining slaves in Texas were freed under the Emancipation Proclamation. Also known as freedom day, this is widely viewed and celebrated as the official end of slavery in the United States. 

Here are some events in Baltimore celebrating Juneteenth! Take a look.

Dance the night away with friends and family. A live DJ, disco ball, and locally black-owned food, beverages, and vendors will fill the Eager Park. 

Juneteenth Expo Event
Come dressed to impress at the Juneteenth Expo Event on June 18 from 4-8pm! Take a free professional headshot by eAndrew Murry, network, and watch the wonderful fashion show with authentic Shasha African Wear. Learn the history of Juneteenth as well as honoring the 5 Men in Business for Men’s month. 

Baltimore City Juneteenth Prevention Convention
A free family event, start off by joining a virtual community conversation on June 15! Continue to learn during the Ancestral Walking Tour. This walking tour explores the history of African Americans in Baltimore, encourages conversation, and includes dinner! 

Juneteenth at Homewood: Expressions of Freedom
From 12-2 pm, grab some free food, take a break from work, and honor the dreams, freedoms and triumphs of Baltimore’s black ancestry. Hosted on June 17 at the Homewood Museum Lawn. 

Enjoy June

However you choose to celebrate Pride month and Juneteenth, we hope you enjoy it!